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I am a 26-year-old Japanese American, born and raised New York City. I first got introduced to photography when I picked up my father's DSLR as a child, taking pictures of squirrels, rabbits, and birds in his backyard. Soon enough, every week I had my parents drive me to nature centers, nearby parks, or anywhere with wildlife taking pictures of anything that I found interesting. 

Fast forward a decade, and I manged to save up enough money to buy my first DSLR camera in college, right before my semester abroad. During my semester in England, I had the opportunity to visit many other places in Europe, deepening both my desire to travel around the world, and interest in pursuing photography. 

Currently I work full time in San Francisco and spend my free time picking up freelance photography jobs and projects. One day, I hope to save up enough to pursue photography full time while traveling around the world. 

About Me

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